Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So I learned how to shuffle and play hearts...

Well after some revisions due to the Tropical Depression/Storm we have just completed a fun, five-day, action-packed adventure.

Last Saturday we went on an all day white-water rafting trip. I have never rafted before and was excited to get in the water. Bob, Evan, Peter, Paul, our guide, and myself combined together to form team meat-stick (Carmen was present as well btw) a very manly group who were determined to conquer any and all rapids. We started off to a strong start with Evan getting tossed off the raft into a rock face two minutes into our trip.

We rafted for over an hour through class 2-4 rapids, which was exhilerating and left us all soaked. Eventually we stopped on a river bank, had some lunch, and many of us saw either how far we could throw rocks or who could lift the heavist rock. There was more rafting after that and I was fortunate enough to be in the front of the raft were I recived the brunt of the rapids. Once we finished our trail, I found out that I didn´t put enough suntan lotion above my knees or on my right shoulder blade as weird as that sounds.

Sunday we left for Drake Bay on the Osa pensula. CR is about the size of West Virginia, so you would think that any trip from San Jose would not take a riduclous amount of time, you would be wrong. It took us around ten hours plus an additional hour boat ride to reach our destinataion. Time was passed by naps, ipod, someone bringing Friends DVDs (first time watching the show, pretty entertaining), and did I say naps. Once we reached Drake Bay we were greated by the staff of our lodging for the next 3 nights, our lodging being sets of 3 person tents on cabanas with a workable bathroom and minimal electricty. Also one of the muggest places I have ever been. There was an open-air restaurant/bar/entertainment center were we spent the majority of our free time. They actually had satelite TV were I got to watch the Mets for a bit, but I felt weird watching TV at the most remote place I have ever been to.

We were up at 6:30 for breakfast and were off the national park of Drake Bay. We traveled by boat 30 minutes to the park were we spilt up into groups and had a 3 hour hike through the park with a guide. Our guide showed us differnt wildlife including many insects, monkeys, and a pair of scarlett macaus. He also showed us that termites are a good source of protein if stranded. I tried a couple, tasted like dirt and bark. We ended up at a beach a learned how to shuck and crack open coconuts. Again I tried the coconut and its milk, but did not find it too appitizing. We made it back for lunch and then headed for a 8-10 foot waterfall which we got to jump off of. The rest of the day was off and I found out that I don´t know many card games or how to shuffle and was critized for it by certain individuals. I eventually learned how to shuffle and bridge pretty decently, play hearts, egyption ratscrew, kemps, and euchre a little.

The next day we headed to Cano Island were we got to snorkel. It was fun, but I´ve been scuba diving once and it snorkeling only made me want to scuba. We also had some beach time, were I was able to boogie board for the first time since I was 8. That night more card playing was had, a tab was opened at the bar, maranga, and Fernando in general sums up the night.

Today we woke to a beutiful day, but unforetunalty it was spent on the bus. We stopped at one of the many open air restuarants for lunch. I had this awesome shrimp curry dish that was served in a bowl made out of a carved out pinapple. Later on in the bus, I found out that Rachel and Ross still love each other which could not come at a worse time since Ross was about to marry Emily. Some one dropped the ball, since that was the last episode we had, left the bus on such a cliffhanger.

We are off to the Carribean coast until Monday.

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